graphviz demo


.. digraph:: demo_1
      a -> {b c d}
      b -> {e f g}

digraph a1_1 { a -> {b c d} b -> {e f g} }

.. digraph:: demo_2


    a -> {b c d}
    b -> {e f g}

digraph a1_2 { rankdir=LR a -> {b c d} b -> {e f g} }

.. digraph:: demo_3


    a -> {b c d}
    b -> {e f g}

digraph a1_3 { layout=neato a -> {b c d} b -> {e f g} }

.. digraph:: demo_4

  edge [len=0.8] # change edge length
  overlap=false  # prevents nodes from overlapping each other

  # These options MIGHT work on other implementations

  a -> {b c d}
  b -> {e f g}

digraph demo_4 { layout=neato edge [len=0.8] # change edge length overlap=false # prevents nodes from overlapping each other # These options MIGHT work on other implementations #overlap_scaling=0.5 #overlap_shrink=true a -> {b c d} b -> {e f g} }

.. digraph:: demo_5

    # A couple of option to expand/compress differently on x and y dimensions.
    overlap=false # you NEED THIS for `sep` to take effect
    sep="+30,-5"  # expands 30 pixels on the x direction, but shrink y by 5

    a -> {b c d}
    b -> {e f g}

digraph demo_5 { # A couple of option to expand/compress differently on x and y dimensions. layout=neato overlap=false # you NEED THIS for `sep` to take effect sep="+30,-5" # expands 30 pixels on the x direction, but shrink y by 5 a -> {b c d} b -> {e f g} }

.. digraph:: demo_9

    subgraph cluster_cl {
        a -> {b c}
    r -> a
    b -> d
    # You can quickly get in WTF?! territory ...
    # You would expect that rank_d <= rank_r, but nope ...
    {rank=min d}

digraph demo_9 { newrank=true subgraph cluster_cl { a -> {b c} } r -> a b -> d # You can quickly get in WTF?! territory ... # You would expect that rank_d <= rank_r, but nope ... {rank=min d} }

.. digraph:: demo_10

    a -> {b c}
    # Heavy weight => short, straight and more vertical the edge.
    a -> d [weight=3]

digraph demo_10 { a -> {b c} # Heavy weight => short, straight and more vertical the edge. a -> d [weight=3] }


digraph 生成模型与判别模型 { node[shape=circle] subgraph cluster_1 { graph[labelloc="b", color=none ,label="(a)"]; a_x1[label=<X<SUB>1</SUB>>] a_x2[label=<X<SUB>2</SUB>>] a_x3[label=<X<SUB>3</SUB>>] a_xh[label="..." color=none ] a_xn[label=<X<SUB>n</SUB>>] a_y[label=Y] a_y -> a_xh[ style=invisible dir=none] a_y -> {a_x1 a_x2 a_x3 a_xn} } subgraph cluster_2 { graph[labelloc="b", color=none ,label="(b)"]; b_x1[label=<X<SUB>1</SUB>>] b_x2[label=<X<SUB>2</SUB>>] b_x3[label=<X<SUB>3</SUB>>] b_xh[label="..." color=none ] b_xn[label=<X<SUB>n</SUB>>] b_y[label=Y] b_s1[shape=box label="" width=0.1 height=0.1 ] b_s2[shape=box label="" width=0.1 height=0.1 ] b_s3[shape=box label="" width=0.1 height=0.1 ] b_sh[shape=box label="" width=0.1 height=0.1,color=none ] b_sn[shape=box label="" width=0.1 height=0.1 ] b_y -> b_sh[ style=invisible dir=none] b_y -> {b_s1 b_s2 b_s3 b_sn}[dir=none shape=obox ] b_s1 -> b_x1[dir=none] b_s2 -> b_x2[dir=none shape=box ] b_s3 -> b_x3[dir=none] b_sn -> b_xn[dir=none] b_sh -> b_xh[dir=none style=invisible] {rank="same"; b_x1 b_x2 b_x3 b_xh b_xn} } }

图 4 (a)生成模型,对联合概率建模,然后推断出后验条件概率分布;(b)判别模型,直接对因子( \(P(Y|X)\) )建模。